Can I ever outgrow your Love PAPA? Part 2

Dear Child,
When next you want to question the love I have for you remember the words given to you through apostle Paul - who murdered thousands of my people (This is a gentle reminder of a vessel I used in spreading my gospel of Love, Redemption & Salvation, just in the case you actually think you can make me stop loving you):

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

4 Love is Patient (I cannot grow tired of you), love is Kind (I am Affectionate and tolerant of your mistakes) It does not envy (I am not discontent with your frail human heart that can be so easily deceived, I do not compare you to your neighbor whom you think is better than you. I love you just as you are), it does not boast , it is not proud (Aha! If I was filled with pride, I'd have wiped out the very existence for you, a human I created ever doubted my existence...remember, I despise the spirit of makes you look down on others rather than love them as I desire you do.. being boastful makes others envy you which makes them do bad and hurtful you understand still? Even though I am the almighty God, I still consider you as my Friend.)

5 It does not dishonor others (I do not call you by your sin. Imagine I whom you cannot hide anything from, shared with the world all your deepest darkest secrets..I bore your shame so you wouldn't have to (1 Peter 2:24)), it is not self-seeking (I offered myself up as a sacrifice for your sake, I put the my love for you first without thinking of the hardship I would have to face for your sake. I was bruised for your transgressions), it is not easily angered (I am Slow to anger and rich in mercy (psalm 193:8).If I acted in anger can any of you withstand my wrath? (Nahum 1:6), it keeps no record of wrongs (I forgive and I forget, hard to believe but yes, this is the truth.). 

6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth (I do not hate the sinner, it is the Sin itself that I hate). 

7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres (Forever and always..I will protect you as my own, I died on the cross for you, there is absolutely no way I am giving up on you. I will always hope that you will come to know me more and choose the path which I want you for you..the path to life and eternal happiness).

8 Love never fails (I will never fail you, even when you think everything is falling apart and that you have ruined all chances of me ever accomplishing my plans for you, know that everything works together for your good, because I love you..still). 
But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. - These things you see all end but My love for you never will.

My ways are higher and my thoughts are Wilder than your human mind can phantom. Those who believe that I cannot be understood, are right. You cannot fully understand me in your lifetime because I am God..the idea is that you enjoy your life while getting to know me more and more. If you understood me fully, won't you get bored? 😏 Your human mind lacks the capacity to understand the totality of my being. I am the creator of the universe! You are yet to fully comprehend all of my creations. Enjoy the journey on earth while you still can, although the world will give you trials and tribulations, do not worry for I your first and only constant love has already overcome the world.. And I will be with you always, right till the end of ages.(Matt 28:20)

"My God and my friend..I need your love more than my lungs need oxygen" - Hillsong United's song titled Life


Dd said…
God's love is truly incomprehensible!! That is why He is God. If we could understand God, he wouldn't be God, would He?

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