
Showing posts from June, 2020

A call to Balance - In the Busyness of Life

Hello! These past two weeks have been a season of 'forced' rest for me😅. As I look to resuming my normal duties, I am reminded yet again of the story shared in the Gospel passage according to Luke. This story is about 2 sisters -  Mary and Martha. The Bible translation of this story that I found quite captivating, is that of  The Passion Translation.  See here  Luke 10:38-42    Martha, her  Truckload of Busyness,  with Mary, Jesus and a Cat stealing fish from the tray ( Picture from  Christianity Today ) Good but Distracting I chose to use the image above as it depicted what our daily lives can be - a seemingly unending list of To-Dos!  I often find myself in such scenarios where I would literally wish that we had more than 24 hours in a day. If you are like me that tends to forget oneself when engaged with work, then you would know what I mean by that wish.  It is good to be busy. After all, there is a saying that the idle man's mind is the devil'