
An Open Letter to My Iyá

  ***A deep exhale... Dear Mummy,  My love. My heart. My Iyá. My youthful Iyá I have been running from writing this letter.  I don't know how to accept that for the rest of my waking hours on earth, I will not be able to have any physical contact with you again. I can feel my heart painfully constricting every time this knowledge comes to mind. Many questions flood my mind, many that will probably not be answered in this lifetime.  Pain & Unanswered Questions Why did you not return to get a new prescription for your BP medication from your doctor? Did you get tired of the multiple meds you have been on all this while? Or did you honestly forget about it? I remember telling you and pleading with you to take care of yourself while I was leaving home to resume my new job role. Mummy, this was not the plan we had. I was supposed to settle in and then work towards getting my own place and have you come over so I could adequately take care of you and spoil you. What happened to all t

The Vulnerable God

Vulnerable …  It may appear somewhat scandalous to have such a word as vulnerable  be used to describe the One who is the Creator of all that exists and Who sustains it all. I agree that it is a bit unsettling, however, the more we look at the character of God throughout scriptures and in our lives, the more we get to understand that with God , anything that is perceived as bad, turns Good and this applies to the human concept of vulnerability . The Definition According to Google, the Oxford English definition of the word 'Vulnerable' are as below: As an adjective - exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed , either physically or emotionally. Of a person -   in need of special care, support, or protection because of age, disability, or risk of abuse or neglect. e.g. "the scheme will help charities working with vulnerable adults and young people" You can out rightly conclude that no one in their right mind would ever want to be seen or perceived as bein

Divine Providence

You can buy two sparrows for only a copper coin, yet not even one sparrow falls from its nest without the knowledge of your Father. Aren’t you worth much more to God than many sparrows? 30–31 So don’t worry . For your Father cares deeply about even the smallest detail of your life. - Jesus Christ ( Matthew 10:29-31 (TPT) ) The words "Do not fear/worry" is arguable one of the most commonly said words by God that appear throughout Scripture, right from the old testament all through to the new testament.  If God keeps on saying these words repeatedly, it must mean that He is addressing a prominent aspect of our lives that we are bound to face often while on earth ... the fear of lack/uncertainty. This means that we are bound to worry and be afraid ... a lot.! The first half of the year 2020 has been quite a ride, and a number of us are no longer here with us. So many people are grieving with loss in one form or the other.  Some have lost friends, partners, siblings, relat

A call to Balance - In the Busyness of Life

Hello! These past two weeks have been a season of 'forced' rest for me😅. As I look to resuming my normal duties, I am reminded yet again of the story shared in the Gospel passage according to Luke. This story is about 2 sisters -  Mary and Martha. The Bible translation of this story that I found quite captivating, is that of  The Passion Translation.  See here  Luke 10:38-42    Martha, her  Truckload of Busyness,  with Mary, Jesus and a Cat stealing fish from the tray ( Picture from  Christianity Today ) Good but Distracting I chose to use the image above as it depicted what our daily lives can be - a seemingly unending list of To-Dos!  I often find myself in such scenarios where I would literally wish that we had more than 24 hours in a day. If you are like me that tends to forget oneself when engaged with work, then you would know what I mean by that wish.  It is good to be busy. After all, there is a saying that the idle man's mind is the devil'

All To Jesus Christ ... (Part 2)

...  Through His Mother's Heart  💙 Hello! As I said in my last post, here I am, to continue the gist of my relationship with Mother Mary. I honestly feel blank at the moment. How do I start this narrative? How do I explain how I began to see Mary not just as the Mother of Jesus Christ but also as my Mother? How do I explain why I honour Her and Pray to Her? Well, it all started with a Search . In my search, I decided to open up my heart to God Almighty. I wanted to understand the Word - Jesus. I honestly sought Wisdom and Wisdom led me to the  seat of Wisdom  - The one who carried Him for 9 months, the one whom He took flesh and blood from, the one who He created and was perfectly Human. In addition to the Holy Scriptures, God led me to His Mother - Mary, to get me to see Him through Her eyes . Note: Mary is the mother of Jesus - God, the Son . Mary, the young Maiden - A Mother (source:  Pinterest ) Mary - My Mother  In-Spirit When I wrote 

All To Jesus Christ ... (Part 1)

... Through His Mother's Heart 💙 Hello! Yet again, we are celebrating another Mother's Day today, the 10th of May 2020. I have lost count of the number of Mother's day(s) we have in a year! 😂 Maybe, its to show the importance of mothers in our society, after all, Nature is referred to as Mother Nature. 😏 So, in the spirit of Mother's Day, I'd like to share my experience with a certain Mother;  Mother Mary - The Mother of God the Son - Jesus Christ . I am not looking to convince you about my beliefs in the Catholic Faith and Mother Mary, I am simply sharing my experience & thoughts with you about an out-of-this-world Motherly tenderness that is so real that I cannot ignore nor keep shut about. So if I may say, read at your own expense .😉 My First Encounter with Her Our Lady of the Holy Rosary (source: Pinterest ) I grew up in a Catholic home where my mum was & is still, very devoted to the Catholic faith. I even attended a Catho

The God We Do not Deserve

Hello! Last Sunday was celebrated as The Divine Mercy Sunday and so, I see this week as the week of Mercy 😊 . Mercy ... Mercy ... Mercy ... as I ponder about the Mercy of God (my mind delights in taking mental trips that lead towards discovering more about Him), I can't help but stop my train of thoughts as I arrive at the same question that I keep asking; "what is man that You are so mindful of him?" ( Psalm 8:4-5 ) Mercy that Won't Let Go Diary of St. Faustina (sourced from Pinterest ) God's mercy cannot be exhausted in one's lifetime. His Mercy is endless. We catch a glimpse of the depth of His Mercy and the extent to which it would go, in His Passion. He could have given up on the way to Calvary,  yet He bore the weight of the heavy cross on His wounded back, for our sake.  He could have destroyed us in an instant and recreated another world, yet He chose to pay the FULL price for our redemption from bondage - which we got ourselves in