
Faith in God.

Have Faith in God..

Often times we may have been asked by our friends, priests, pastors, family; if we have faith in God. Like me, I'm sure your default answer to that would be "Yes, I do!" or "Sure thing!" or like a typical Nigerian 👀 who would answer a question with another question; 😅 'Before nko?!".

It's so so easy to talk..say the right words.. even imagine yourself exhibiting so much faith in God. But, what happens when Life comes at you as though saying, "Prove It!"

What does the word 'Faith' mean? 

Google's definition of Faith is simply put as - Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
The word that jumps out to me isn't trust or confidence; yes! It's quite possible to trust or have confidence in someone or something..we most likely trust someone who may be a friend, or a partner or a family member. We also may have confidence in a product, or a gadget, brand, etc.. but you see with Faith - it is about the key word - "Complete." As in - NO PLAN B OR C OR Z.

To say I have Faith in God is to say I have "Complete trust/confidence in God"..and if there is something I have learned about God is ..when we profess such to Him, He looks into our heart (as always) and says..."Prove it".

Image sourced via

Prove It.

Now you may have this thought in your head saying; well, God sees my heart! He should know very well, how much I trust Him! He is all Loving & all Powerful! - what's not to trust there? 
Yes, He sees our heart (1 Samuel 16:7) but often times, we are quite oblivious to what is truly in our heart..and so to show us.. HE TESTS US.😊

The tests He permits our way isn't in anyway to condemn us His Children; rather, these tests bring us to the realization of who we truly are (fallen children who always need HIM) - to recognize our weaknesses and to increase our reliance/dependence on Him, ALONE. Sometimes, these tests give birth to testimonies that bring glory to His Holy Name.

You are not the only one who had/has to Prove 'ya' Faith..

....and you won't be the last. 

Abraham! Father Abraham! (No, I am not singing in my head...'had many sons'..😁) was tested (Genesis 22). 
Imagine this,  You waited for almost a century for your promised son - The one that God himself promised, not the one you were trying to give yourself 😒 but the one who was to be the "Covenant Child". You got the Child, and your joy was full as you watched the child grow. 
One fine day; probably a day you may have been thinking of the number of grandkids you would have - as per more than the stars in the night sky - He took him outside and said, "Look up at the sky and count the stars--if indeed you can count them." Then he said to him, "So shall your offspring be." - Genesis 15:5 NIV.  PAPA GOD calls you and you delightfully answer "Here I am"! (probably with a beautiful ring in your voice)...and BOOM! the instruction comes in - “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.” - Genesis 22:2 

Let me be honest with you.. I would have woefully failed with my list of possible responses:
  1. Lord, I am not quite clear on what you just said.😕
  2. Erm, Won't you prefer a white stainless Lamb? I could throw in a few Cows, I don't mind getting a loan for their purchase.😓
  3. Ah! Get thee behind me Satan! This must be Satan and his tricks!😱
  4. AH..!GOD!! WHY?!!!!😭
Can you identify with any of the responses above? If No, I admire your level of faith! If Yes, then your not alone in this boat.

Abraham; rightfully referred to as the father of Faith, did not even argue or revalidate what he heard. The Bible clearly states that he just went out the next morning, early in the morning - did not waste time, and set on what God had told him to do. 
How his heart would have been so heavy at the thought of seeing a lively boy (who may have probably been skipping along the way with so much glee; happy that he is able to accompany his beloved father to offer a sacrifice to the Great God he had heard so much about).. 
How his heart must have ached when his son asked for the lamb to be used - and how he must have held back heated tears when he responded with the words; "The Lord Himself, will provide".  
"The Lord Himself, will provide". - Father Abraham
The response above; is FAITH. Like a quote by Rick Warren says "Faith is facing the facts and not being discouraged by them!"

In that moment, Abraham must have believed and had total confidence that even if this my beloved boy dies, God is able to raise him up from the dead! and so he went on his mission - in total blind obedience to God.
We know how the story ends..God did indeed Provide, + BLESSED AND SEALED HIS COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM! (Genesis 22:16 - 17) - Abraham's actions led an Almighty God to Swear an Oath!

I can only imagine that perhaps, we are actually reaping from the obedience of Abraham as he proved to God that Man was worth dying for -
  • Isaac was the son of his convenant with God ( the covenant of the old testament)
  • Jesus is the son of the God - God's convnent with us his people saved by Grace (the convenant of the new testament)
Abraham didn't withhold his son; his only son.. and so God also didn't withhold His Son..His only Son.
- well call me crazy but hey! these are my thoughts - refer to title of this Blog as a whole 😁😏

Without Faith, Life would be a meaningless & painful struggle for us all.

Hebrews 11:6 clearly states this - "Without Faith, it is impossible to please God.. for we need faith to believe that God Himself, does exist - even though we cannot see Him right now. 
Faith makes a fool of what makes sense - "Here Now" a song by Hillsong United
The above statement has literally become one of my favs. Men & women who exhibited their Faith in God did things; that in most cases if not all -  did not make Sense.! 
Joseph's actions in response to the betrayals from family, Masters, Accusers - he didn't seek justice for himself or try to manipulate & play God's role in fufiling what was promised to him. He held onto God & stayed faithful trusting in God's justice/Consolation. 
King David didn't kill Saul (who was after his life at that time) when he had the chance; to quickly assume the role God had already placed on him. He was patient & allowed God give him the throne when it was due (God's timing, not his). 
Peter left the sure & steady boat (with a solid surface) to walk on water (with unimaginable depth). FYI: Apparently, Peter had no swimming skills - strange for a fisherman but it is recorded that as soon as his faith wavered, he began to sink. Dude, literally thought he had faith as wide as the sea..but as the waves began to splash against him, he let in doubt and then began to sink. 
There are so so many other examples of Faith in the Holy Scriptures (people who did things that made no sense/defied logic but had their actions yield tremendous rewards) - which should make us realise that to live a Life that would be pleasing to God, like incense offered on the altar; we really do need Faith - a whole lot of it.


As you go on proclaiming your faith.. do not forget to ask for the Grace & Strength to live it out, for the tests will come..Oh they would.. and as you pass one, the next becomes tougher. 😑 
The world will give us many many troubles (trials, tragedies, pain, heartaches, dissapointments etc.) but we must be of Good Cheer! for our Faith is founded in Jesus Christ and We KNOW THAT HE HAS ALREADY OVERCOME THE WORLD!  👏😁
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Stay Strong in the Faith!💜


Chika said…
Nice write up on faith. May it inspire all those who has lose faith in Christ & the holy church.

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