
Showing posts from August, 2017

The Sheep's Vow

Dear Lord Jesus, You are Amazingly beautiful. So here, I am .. to share on a verse which I was accustomed to reciting. I use the word recite as that is truly what I was doing..We tend to recite without a deeper understanding of what we are saying. I asked PAPA to revel to me with the help of the holy spirit and truly I say to you, every Verse of the Holy Scripture has a secret hidden within it that we overlook a lot of times. The beauty about this is that the spirit reveals to whoever freely ask of Him. Psalm 23 vs 6 The Sheep basks in the loving embrace of the Good Shepherd.😍 This famous Psalm 23 depicts the Lord as the good Shepherd, written by King David (probably towards the last days of his life) is a prayer of Hope & Thanksgiving. GNB says "I know that your goodness and love will be with me all my life; and your house will be my home as long as I live".  I read other bible versions as advised in my previous post but this translation

Fighting Temptations? That's way Too Much Work! 😒

..which you are bound to fail at anyway. Don't Fight It.. FLEE FROM IT! Yes! That's right! Flee from it!  I wish I had known this truth a while ago. I would have definitely avoided some unhealthy bonds/habits I had to deal with over the years. First of all, what is Temptation? According to Google: First definition uses the keywords "Wrong", "Unwise". Second looks at it more as an act of being lured, seduced etc.. Now these were some misconceptions I had earlier about temptations: I thought the Lord was testing my Faith/Loyalty in Him, so I openly welcomed temptations! *sigh* This was a chance to show that I was over this hurdle (object/person). This was an opportunity to prove to myself that I was a strong woman. I have outgrown this habit hence I can't fall for it again. Every time I welcomed a temptation my way, I lost the battle. EVERY TIME. Regardless of whatever state of grace I was in, once I had it in my head

Can I ever outgrow your Love PAPA? Part 2

Dear Child, When next you want to question the love I have for you remember the words given to you through apostle Paul - who murdered thousands of my people (This is a gentle reminder of a vessel I used in spreading my gospel of Love, Redemption & Salvation, just in the case you actually think you can make me stop loving you): 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 4 Love is Patient (I cannot grow tired of you), love is Kind (I am Affectionate and tolerant of your mistakes) It does not envy (I am not discontent with your frail human heart that can be so easily deceived, I do not compare you to your neighbor whom you think is better than you. I love you just as you are), it does not boast , it is not proud (Aha! If I was filled with pride, I'd have wiped out the very existence for you, a human I created ever doubted my existence...remember, I despise the spirit of makes you look down on others rather than love them as I desire you do.. being boastful makes others envy you whi

Can I ever outgrow your Love PAPA?

Like me, I am sure you have heard over and over again that God loves you unconditionally. I sometimes struggle to understand what that truly means. I ask myself many times, How is the Almighty God able to love me even when I cannot love myself.  You see, Once you start struggling to love yourself, You automatically begin to hinder yourself from receiving love.  I guess that is why I question PAPA's love. Moments when I think and chastise myself saying; "How could you have done this? So despicable!" or "oh you young woman, You don't seem to know how to get it right do you?".. Harboring such thoughts, accusing oneself slowing turns a person to depression, self pity and gradually, the person slowly and painfully dies..from within. Our merciful God loathes Self-Pity.  What is Self Pity?  This is the scenario where a person dwells on his sorrows, misfortunes, mistakes etc. Now, it is good to be conscious of the wrongs you have done, this means

Do Not Forget Me - PAPA

How do I learn to love God? How do I not forget Him? I have a terrible habit of running to Him when I am in trouble or in need but when I am satisfied, I forget Him. Easily. In this post, I will try by the grace received to share that which I was inspired with while I pondered on parts of scriptures and asked questions. (I like asking questions and He actually answers! You should try it. J ) The Holy Scriptures makes mention of a “Canaan”- a place of good prosperity which as the destination of the Israelites while I journeyed through the wilderness after their miraculous deliverance from Egypt (Tribulations and Slavery).  The Lord gave them an instruction; (Exodus 6) ” 4 . Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.[a] 5. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength … 10 When the Lord your God brings you into the land he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to give you—a land with large, flourishing