Do Not Forget Me - PAPA

How do I learn to love God? How do I not forget Him? I have a terrible habit of running to Him when I am in trouble or in need but when I am satisfied, I forget Him. Easily.
In this post, I will try by the grace received to share that which I was inspired with while I pondered on parts of scriptures and asked questions. (I like asking questions and He actually answers! You should try it. J)

The Holy Scriptures makes mention of a “Canaan”- a place of good prosperity which as the destination of the Israelites while I journeyed through the wilderness after their miraculous deliverance from Egypt (Tribulations and Slavery). 
The Lord gave them an instruction; (Exodus 6)
4. Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.[a] 5. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength
10 When the Lord your God brings you into the land he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to give you—a land with large, flourishing cities you did not build, 11 houses filled with all kinds of good things you did not provide, wells you did not dig, and vineyards and olive groves you did not plant—then when you eat and are satisfied, 12 be careful that you do not forget the Lord, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.”

How can I apply this scripture to my life here on earth?
There is a boost of confidence that indeed "trials and aches" won't last forever and that the blessings will be too good that I must be cautious not to Forget God – The source of everything good.
As Humans, we tend to forget easily and Abba Father knows this and that is why we are advised to Love Him with everything, our very essence. Not just with our hearts...but with our souls and minds. One who has deeply loved and lost still finds it hard to move on after a while, some never recover. It is excruciatingly hard to forget the one we truly loved at some point in our lives, even when the heart forgets, the Mind somehow reminds you (we call it playing tricks on us, where we say “you remind of someone” or smile when we get a flashback and for that moment miss that love)...Now this is just mere human relationships.
Imagine getting so lost in love with PAPA. Now, It can be tricky to love what we cannot see, but remember Moses did see God. He was a human being who was granted so much grace to see God – Face to Face. Moses wasn’t the holiest man on earth. He murdered someone, was raised the Egyptian way and at most part of his years didn’t even know or believe in the existence of the One True God. He was so afraid when PAPA revealed himself in a burning bush and even questioned his ability to carry out PAPA’s instructions (a very human being) (Exodus 3: 1-17). –I see this as a challenge to start a serious relationship with PAPA- not just those short-spirit filled walks because I truly desire to see Him, If He permits me.

Loving God with my very essence would make it quite difficult, may I say, “Impossible” to forget him...To deeply Love is to become one with the one you love. To become one with PAPA, Our God.
Are we not lucky that He is so mindful of us that He gave us the privilege to be one with Him?
If you truly Love Him as you ought to, even if your heart wanders, your mind will taunt you/ play tricks (*giggles*) and your soul will be restless.
One truth I am convinced with is PAPA never gives an instruction without providing a way for us to follow through.
Instruction: "Do not forget me when I bring you into your promised land/Breakthrough".
Question: How PAPA, you know I can easily forget when I am no longer struggling and I feel like I don't need you for anything?
Answer: "Love me. Love me with all your heart, your soul and your mind"(Deuteronomy 6:5). Jesus Christ even buttresses it in Matthew 22:37.
Question: How can I love you PAPA?
Answer: “"If you love me, obey my commandments.” – John 14:15
Humility – Obedience – Submission – Trust – Dedicated Love.

If I may say, this is similar to the art of Imprinting - Recognising PAPA as the supreme being worthy of all your love and devotion, trusting that HIS love is the most pure and unconditional and unending of them all."—The coolest part: NO HEARTBREAKS!


Paul said…
Beautiful! Thanks for this Tolu.
Unknown said…
This is great Tolu! The love relationship with PAPA is amazing. Its even so crazy and difficult for our human minds to understand that God does not see sin in us, despite our sins and flaws, He sees the blood of Jesus. And God just wants to be intimate with us, that's all, with His hands wide open ready to receive us anytime, any day , no matter what we have done. Its a beautiful relationship and its common sense not to be selfish and keep His commands, 'that's all He asks.

By the way, why were you giggling @ "plays tricks".. I need
Thanks Richards! well as regards the giggling part; that is for PAPA and I to know and for you to Find out. :P
Thank God for Inspiring me to write. I never liked writing and definitely never imagined starting a blog! hehe.
Unknown said…
Hi dear Tolu,

I'm actually yet to read this, but so glad and the sight of it.
More Grace in Jesus Name

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