A New Chapter: The 30th!

Hello Dear One!

It's been a while I shared on here.. a looooonng while. I have no excuses.

On August 15th 2018, I turned 30! It was a beautiful and memorable day for me. I had a conversation with a dear friend ; it follows:

The Conversation:

Friend: So what plans do you have for your birthday?
Me: hmmπŸ€” I’m going to resume at work in the morning, attend mid-day mass (for special thanksgiving), return to work to celebrate with colleagues and then go to church for renewal of consecration vows..
Friend: *Laughs* πŸ˜‚ You this girl! why don’t you just marry Jesus afterwards!
Me: *keeps quiet* and laughs silently... 

This made me reflect on this past year. I thought I’d be married with Kids before I hit 30! But well, HE had other plans. πŸ‘€


I cannot begin to narrate the various hills and valleys I have been through, as I believe everyone has their own journey and Cross to bear. God is merciful not to give us that which will crush us and I can  testify to this:
 Jesus Christ absolutely loves little me, and even though I have been like the unfaithful wife  as described in Hosea in many ways, HE remains faithful
I ask myself often; “Who am I that you are so mindful of me 😩 Psalm 8:4”.

A God who created the whole universe with all the things we try to kill ourselves for... This same God would woe me into the wilderness so that with no distractions, I can fall helplessly in love with Him as HE speaks tenderly to me? Hosea 2:14 ♥️

The Unrelenting Lover

Wilderness – The most undesirable place to be in... HE chooses such a place to woe me... absolutely NOT logical to my normal mind but then again, the God I serve TRANSCENDS the Normal... HE is the ONE who brought forth a Paradise from nothingness. THE same ONE who formed a masterpiece from Dust. THE same ONE who spoke and the mighty waves & storms that swallow up Gigantic ships; kept calm. THE same ONE who walked out of the Grave when all hope seemed lost... and This Same ONE calls me His beloved! 😍😍 
Now, won’t it be a great privilege to be a bride to such a Great God? HeeHee.. 😁Just thinking of it makes me beam! 😁😁
I will happily give up everything, even my life, If it would guarantee me becoming that – Christ’s bride. πŸ‘°πŸΎ

Till that happens, I’ll continue to savor every single moment HE so graciously allows me to experience in HIS presence and as I always say with the Grace received through Mother Mary deep within my soul; “Dear Lord Jesus, remove everything and anyone who would take me away from Your Presence”. 


I spent most of my birthday in HIS presence; which was also the Feast of the Assumption of Mother Mary into Heaven – a desire I hold dear in my Heart to be a part of on the last day as HE has promised John 6:40, and one more thing I can testify to is; “It was the best birthday I have ever had”, and for that; I am absolutely grateful!πŸ‘ΈπŸΎ
God's African Princess is 30!πŸ˜›



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